Weekly Review #128 - Ball pit nightclubs, Mormon Transhumanism, and dancing roller girls
Two excitements from this week:
The geniuses at Forward Motion San Francisco filled up the Monarch club with a plastic ball pit. Only 3 feet deep, but still, pretty cool! Problem is everyone wants to throw them and lie down in them rather than dance, which leads to painful moments, but it was definitely fun for longer than I anticipated.
Some friends of mine in Oakland lived in the woods for two months, then came back and started hosting Ecstatic Art nights - like ecstatic dance (where you luxuriate in the pleasure of the moment and that's it), but with paint!
I had a blast painting - though I'll admit I didn't enjoy my end result of paintings that much. But I'd highly recommend the act of pair painting with people you're close with - sharing a canvas with someone, where you're both working together but have no control over the other, is very, very intimate and enlightening.
Deep Learning Is Going to Teach Us All the Lesson of Our Lives: Jobs Are for Machines — medium.com
The most comprehensive article I've yet seen, though the rationale is nothing new. The author Scott Santens looks interesting - he lives off of crowdsourced Basic Income through Patreon.
Comprehensive story of how they did it, and why some drivers still love it while others don't feel fairly treated. The more drivers there are - the cheaper the rides can be, but also, the more the drivers make, due to efficiency of pick up and drop off. I didn't know that.
Profile Hopper — www.profilehopper.com
Visit Linkedin Profiles automatically, Extract their data and get more inbound leads. Clever use of Linkedin's notoriously closed API.
Ummo | Speech Coaching App — ummoapp.herokuapp.com
A great idea! Toastmasters in an app! Quantify your 'um's!
Unlocking Multiple Forms of Wealth, by Nipun Mehta — www.dailygood.org
Society value financial wealth over all else. But what about time capital, community capital, attention capital, or even compassion, nature, culture, or technology capital?
Sounds new agey, but makes sense if you think about it. I think community capital is the one I'd like to aim for.
Mormon Transhumanism and the Immortality Upgrade — www.newyorker.com
Mormon transhumanism is a thing. And it's a thing that fits within their orthodoxy - apparently Joseph Smith was all about mankind turning into gods. Who'da thunk?
Relationship Status Geography | FlowingData — flowingdata.com
In London, the closer to the city center you are, the more single you are. (This site is a treasure trove of data visualization, btw.)
Chet Faker - Gold (Official Music Video) — www.youtube.com
Gorgeous cinematography on this music video. Roller girls at night in the desert. Breath taking.
PodRide a practical and fun bicycle-car | Indiegogo — www.indiegogo.com
Swedish dude wanted to bike, but its too cold. Solution: build a street legal bicycle go kart thing.